Strengths of the GreatMoods Program

10 Good Reasons To Do Fundraising Online With GreatMoods

1. Every Student, or Member of every Team, Club, Church or Organization gets their own Free Individually Personalized Fundraising Website.

2. The GreatMoods Shopping Mall offers a great selection of over 20,000+ fundraising products designed for all age groups. Everyone is a potential customer or recipient of our products for every season, reason or occasion.

3. PayPal, the most trusted and fraud proof online order processing system, for the consumer market today, is used to process every order.

4. Cash is Deposited Weekly for every product sold directly into your groups’ PayPal account 24/7/ 365 days a year, forever!

5. Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall GreatMoods Fundraising delivers it all. This one Program allows 3 to 5 significant fundraising income opportunities a year, with one simple setup.

6. Selling door-to-door really isn’t required because all of your Fundraising can be done online with Friends, Family and Neighbors from anywhere in the country.

7. We Deliver! Everything! Everywhere! You don’t touch the product, because it is delivered straight to the designated recipient (even when it’s for you)!

8. It’s Free, Now and Forever, No cost of anything to anyone, EVER. All you have to do is maintain new members and delete old ones a couple times a year.

9. New, absolutely! Facebook is new, Twitter is new and Texting is new. Personalized Fundraising Websites by GreatMoods are new, and being new and online is certainly a good thing for all your Students, Members and potential Supporters.

10. New to technology? Never worry about that. With today’s tech savvy kids and family members, the Fundraising Program can be setup in no time. It's as easy to maintain as a Facebook or Twitter Account.

5 Scarves
Student at Computer
Teacher at Computer Desk
GreatMoods offers fundraising opportunities for schools, religious organizations, community organizations and more.